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Why Breakfast Is the Most Important Meal of the Day

It’s a lil late in the morning and you catch yourself running a few minutes behind. You’re late and you’ve got a lot on your mind — your busy schedule, your studies, your next cup of milo — everything except eating a healthy breakfast.

But it bears repeating: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and a well-balanced diet should include morning meals. Learn about why you should make time for breakfast each morning.

Source : Getty Images

1. Breakfast encourages healthier eating

Breakfast helps you reach your daily recommended servings of fruit and vegetables. Those who eat breakfast also tend to consume more milk and whole grains than those who skip the meal. And as you probably know, milk offers up important calcium for your body.

Breakfast also fills your stomach, helping you to avoid overeating and snacking later in the day.

2. Breakfast balances blood sugar levels

Eating in the morning helps your body better break down glucose, also called blood sugar. In fact, you can avoid glucose fluctuations throughout the day by eating fruit, grains, and lean protein within two hours of waking.

3. Breakfast kickstarts your metabolism

Breakfast jump-starts your metabolism in the morning. Getting your metabolism working early helps burn calories throughout the day. Skipping breakfast tells your body to conserve, rather than burn, extra calories.

4. Breakfast boosts energy levels

Breakfast energizes the body. People who eat breakfast show an increase in physical activity throughout their mornings than people who skip it. Activity helps prevent weight gain and fatigue.

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