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Does reading out loud cause you to remember things better?

Reading out loud is an effective strategy to remember things better because it creates associative memory. Learn how to apply this method to studying!

The production effect

When we read, we are using the visual pathways in our brain to form memory links. We remember the material because it was something we saw.

When reading out loud, we form auditory links in our memory pathways. We remember ourselves saying it out loud, and so not only form visual but also auditory links.

Connecting to what you read

Reading with categorizing, asking questions, and making connections will organize the material in your mind.

If you do not read your textbook actively, you do not have anything to anchor what you have read into your memory. Your vocalizations need to accompany your more diligent reading activities if you truly want to benefit from reading aloud.

Reading out loud benefits your studying

When you read out loud during studying, your sense of hearing becomes part of the learning process and has various benefits:

(i) you're more likely to pay attention to the material in front of you,

(ii) you improve your ability to remember materials (as we discussed above),

(iii) you're more likely to make connections with things you've read before on another page.

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