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Ways to Relieve Stress for Students

What is stress?

Stress is a feeling being under abnormal pressure. This pressure can come from increased workload, loneliness, a transitional period, an argument you have with your family or new and existing financial worries. You may find that it has a cumulative effect, with each stressor building on top of one another.

Stress affects us in a number of ways, both physically and emotionally.

Sign and Symptoms of Stress

  • feelings of constant worry or anxiety

  • difficulty concentrating

  • mood swings or changes in your mood

  • irritability or having a short temper

  • depression

Tips on How to Relieve Stress?

1. Listen to Music

Try taking a break and listening to relaxing music. Playing calm music has a positive effect on the brain and body, can lower blood pressure and reduce stress.

2. Eat Healthy

Stress levels and a proper diet are closely linked. When we’re stress, we often make our self feels better by eating sugary, fatty snack foods as a pick-me-up.

Try to avoid sugary snacks. Fruits and vegetables are always good, and fish with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce the symptoms of stress. Example, a tuna sandwich really is brain food.

3. Exercise

Exercise doesn’t necessarily mean lifting weights at the gym or training for a marathon. A 10minutes home workout or simply standing up while watching movie can offer immediate relief in a stressful situation. Exercise are proven to relieve stress level.

4. Sleep Better

Lack of sleep is also a key cause of stress. Make sure to get the doctor-recommended seven to eight hours of sleep. Turn the TV off earlier, dim the lights, and give yourself time to relax before going to bed. Meditate before sleep can help too.

Are you stressed up due to academics?

Don’t worry, Sri Sarjana can make your worries away! Our online classes are just as great as our physical ones. Learn more at our website or whatsapp to get more details!

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