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The benefits of learning music to children

Whilst being fun and social, extracurricular activities are also important in helping develop a child's talents, interests, and passions. One particularly enriching activity is learning to play a musical instrument. There has long been a correlation between musical training and academic success, but there are other benefits too.

Below are some more good reasons for learning music:

Music helps the brain to develop

Different studies have proven that the comprehension of musical language can benefit a child's overall mental development. Figures show that students who study music are more successful on standardised tests and are also likely to achieve better grades in high school. No matter what age your child might be, understanding the musical language or learning to play an instrument can be challenging at times. However, those who learn music also learn to be disciplined in their training because that is the key to success.

Music is fun

Once children have grasped the basics of playing an instrument, they are likely to really enjoy playing it. Every song they learn is a personal achievement. If we encourage their skills by listening to them or even signing along, they will have a great time playing their instrument.

Music teaches them to focus and relieves stress

Playing an instrument or being in a musical class demands total attention. Because of this, music is a great stress-relieving tool that helps to calm the mind and enhance concentration.

Music helps to understand maths

Although they look very different, maths and music are actually quite similar. "When children learn rhythm, they are learning ratios, fractions and proportions," said Professor Gordon Shaw from the University of California, after his study of seven-year-olds in Los Angeles. It could be a great way of learning maths in an artistic way!

Music is a form of self-expression

As well as being a way of relieving stress, music could also help children to manage their feelings better by expressing them through language. It will give them the chance to exteriorise their emotion with the instrument they are playing.

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