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Tackle Challenges of Online Classes Due to COVID-19

Here are some of the most common challenges undergraduate students are currently facing with online classes along with specific tips on how to address them:

  • Technical issues.

  • Distractions and time management.

  • Staying motivated.

  • Lack of in-person interaction.

Source: Getty Images

Technical Issues

The solution: The most important step is to stay in touch with your teachers and inform them about what's happening. They will hopefully understand and be flexible about the situation, perhaps even recording class sessions as a backup.

Distractions and Time Management

The solution: Try to think about building a schedule – figuring out when you're going to do what you're going to do and then sharing that with the other people in your house. Students should still prioritize their physical and mental health, even if life is busier than usual.

Students should also try to have a quiet time and place in their house to complete their homework, if possible – even if that time is late at night.

Staying Motivated

The solution: In addition to creating a daily schedule and finding a productive workspace, it can also help to simply focus on the ultimate goal.

At the end of the day, look back on the day and check mark off all of those items that you've completed. Knowing that you did will help to motivate you as well.

Lack of In-Person Interaction

The solution: Students should take advantage of the online tools. The best alternative to actual face-to-face interaction may be videoconferencing programs like Zoom, Skype or FaceTime. Talking on the phone with classmates or a professor is also an option.

"You have your video on, the teacher has their video on, and you can kind of talk to them and get a little bit of additional help,".

If you need help with your studies, don’t worry, Sri Sarjana can make your worries away! Our online classes are just as great as our physical ones. Learn more at or whatsapp to get more details!

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