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Student to Student Advice for Online Learning

When transitioning from physical to online learning, it is an adjustment to be incorporated into our home lives with revamping the curriculum to fit our new environments. We are all so aware of the challenges we are going through. But, what do students say about changing to online learning? Here are some tips from my students to yours.

1. Set your alarm and wake up.

It’s easy to lay in bed all day long, playing video games. Even students know this does not help their emotional status. Take a day or two to binge on games and movies, but then get yourself back into a routine. Set your alarm, and get your work done early so you can relax guilt-free.

2. Submit attendance and review your classes for the day.

Some districts are requiring attendance to be submitted for the day, some are asking for each class. Students suggest to mark attendance for each class and keep track of which classes you’ve already submitted. Then, before diving into anything specific, take time to review the expectations for each class. Making a to-do list will help you prioritize—plus, it feels good to check items off as you complete them.

3. Make a plan and set time limits.

Once you have your to-do list or checklist, set time limits for each course. It’s easy to spend hours on your artwork and not get to your other classes. Setting time limits helps you monitor your progress and give you breaks throughout the day. Students also suggest getting your work done early in the day, so you have plenty of time left to enjoy, especially as our daylight is lasting longer and longer.

4. Reward yourself.

Sticking to your time limits should come with payoff! Write down a list of activities you would prefer to partake in besides your eLearning. Use these as a reward system for every hour of work you complete. Play a half-hour of video games, go for a walk in between classes, or set up a phone call with a friend after completing your math practice.

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