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Signs of Student Anxiety

Feeling anxious is a very normal reaction when experiencing exciting, stressful or new situations. However, students who experience anxiety at school could potentially have a more serious anxiety disorder that requires further treatment. Anxiety becomes an issue when it begins holding the student back from opportunities, such as participating in extracurricular activities or social engagements.

1. Emotional Changes

When a student is experiencing anxiety, it is common for them to constantly feel uneasy. They may find themselves getting easily irritated and annoyed by small things that wouldn’t normally bother them and can find it very difficult to concentrate.

The student may also feel restless and may act out in unexpected behavior to avoid a situation they perceive as threatening. For example, a student might purposely get kicked out of class before a quiz if they have test anxiety.

2. Social Changes

Another key indicator of student anxiety are the social changes . For example, a student with an anxiety disorder may suddenly stop engaging with friends and social activities together. They may give excuses to avoid plans with others. Social anxiety usually begins around the age of 13, making it something middle schools and high schools can be vigilant about looking out for. Students with social anxiety will isolate themselves and start to spend the majority of their time alone.

3. Physical Changes

When it comes to physical changes` it is crucial to look for a row of pattern rather than jumping to conclusions right away. Some physical changes can include headaches, dizziness, sweating, body or muscle aches, nausea and upset stomach, excessive fatigue, change in diet and unexplained illness. 4. Sleep Disturbance

Sleep is a huge part of the overall health and well-being of students. It is recommended that students between the ages of 13 and 18 get eight to ten hours of sleep each night to function properly. A common effect of anxiety is that it can negatively impact sleeping habits. This can include having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, nightmares and waking up still feeling tired. Many things can impact the sleep of children and teenagers so it’s important to look for recurring patterns that seem to be happening for no reason.

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