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Precautions to Consider when School Reopens

Malaysian Ministry of Education has released the Guidelines for Managing in Reopening of Schools on 4th June after nearly 3 months of school closures including private and international schools. What the parents should be prepared?

The parents have to make sure their children are healthy, keeping themselves clean and not showing any symptoms of COVID-19 before attending the schools. If their children showing any symptoms, they have to inform the school and not sending them.

The parents are also responsible to remind their children on social distancing while travelling to schools or using public transports in case they have to travel by themselves.

The parents are also encouraged to provide a meal (lunch box) for their children to avoid the crowd at the school canteen, and to advise them not to share the food with others. The children also have to ensure to sanitize or wash their hands or taking shower as soon as they arrived home from school.

The parents are advised to support the learning process at home, to help their children as they could and keep motivating them in learning!

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