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Poor SPM Results? What can you do next?

If your results aren’t as your expectations or you did not score well for some subjects you thought you could have scored, it’s okay to feel sad or guilty.

But after spending some time processing your emotions and results, it’s wise to pick yourself up and plan for your future. After all, SPM is just a small examination in the grand scheme of things.

Here are some things you can do if your SPM results are not as what you anticipated.

1. Appeal your results

If you are seeking to meet the entry requirements for your desired pre-university course, maybe you can try getting your paper remarked.

With a fee to pay, you can have your papers remarked and hopefully, you will be able to get a higher grade that will give you better opportunities to various courses.

To submit an appeal, go to the Lembaga Peperiksaan website, click Perkhidmatan, then Semak Semula then SPM.

You will receive your reviewed results within 2 months after the appeal deadline.

2. Retake your subjects

If you are not sure that remarking your papers will improve your grades, you can choose to resit your papers instead!

However, note that you can only register for 3 subjects for the SPM Ulangan through the Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia website, which are:

  • Mathematics

  • Bahasa Melayu

  • Sejarah

If you’d like to retake papers for other subjects, you will need to register as an SPM private candidate (retake) and resit for the papers with the rest of the present year SPM students in February 2022.

Do consider this option cautiously as it will take another year for you to obtain better grades. By then, your friends may have already completed a year of their pre-university studies so be sure to make the right choice!

3. Take Diploma or certicifate courses next

If you’re missing a fewcredits from your SPM results, you can consider pathways, such as pursuing a diploma or certificate. These can still lead you to selected degree courses. A diploma only requires 3 credits at SPM. Upon completion, you can then progress to the relevant degree. This makes your total study duration similar to taking a foundation then a degree.

Certificate courses, on the other hand, typically require only 1 credit, as long as you pass Bahasa Melayu and History. Completing a certificate will allow you to progress to a diploma and subsequently a degree.

You may consider these alternatives, provided that you meet the entry requirements.

If you need help with your studies, don’t worry, Sri Sarjana can make your worries away! Our online classes are just as great as our physical ones. Learn more at or whatsapp to get more details!

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