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Pandemic Habits We Must Apply

The COVID-19 pandemic has alter the way we go about our day-to-day life. The new normal will be always here, at least until the pandemic is over. And while you probably can’t wait to say goodbye to these difficult times, there are some habits you want to consider applying!

1. Washing your hands routinely

COVID-19 has led us to improve our own hygiene. A study reported that the outbreak had caused a 76% increase in hand-washing among Malaysians. Remember to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. This is a good practice and we should definitely keep up with this even after the pandemic passed.

2. Keeping a bottle of hand sanitizer with you

Hand sanitizers are very useful for maintaining good hygiene. They’re efficient for neutralizing microbes, viruses and bacteria and they makes it easy to keep our hands clean when we’re out and about.

And this habit shouldn’t stop even after the pandemic. There’s absolutely no reason to stop using hand sanitizers. Even without the COVID-19 virus, there are plenty of germs out there that can get you sick. Keep clean by sticking a bottle of hand sanitizer in your pocket.

3. Avoiding crowds by going digital

Why bother going out and dealing with long distance travel and heavy crowds when you can do everything from shopping to attending fairs online?

Now, you may find yourself actually missing out social network (after months of being forced to stay indoors, we can’t blame you). But for those who still prefer to avoid the crowd of strangers, there’s no reason to stop going digital.

4. Maintaining a distance when queueing

Being in a public space while still maintaining your own distance does keep people from sneezing and getting their germs all over you. This can prevent the virus from spreading and getting infected. As long as we keep practicing social distancing, we’re all the better for it.

If you need help with your studies, don’t worry, Sri Sarjana can make your worries away! Our online classes are just as great as our physical ones. Learn more at or whatsapp to get more details!

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