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Impacts of Lockdown on the Mental Health of Children

There are increasing calls to understand the impacts of this lockdown, and of subsequent school closures, on the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Young careers especially students are one group whose mental health has been negatively impacted by the lockdown restrictions. Because they are young, it is natural for them to mix around new friends and learn new skills. There are evidences saying that there are direct impacts on children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the lockdown.

Source: NAMI

Factors affecting the mental health and wellbeing of children


Loneliness is a major risk factor of lockdown for the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. Links between loneliness and mental health highlights the potential for children and young people to be experiencing mental health problems .This could be a consequence of the loss of friends or decreased social activities during this important developmental stages where peer interaction is important for brain development, self-concept construction, and ultimately mental health and wellbeing.

Worries about school and the future

Emerging evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic also suggests several other factors influencing the mental health and wellbeing of children including - worries and concerns around their education, missing school , transitions and being away from school, academic pressures and missing out from social meetings.

To all parents, is it important to take care of children's mental health especially during these difficult times. If your children are not able to cope with their studies and worry that that could not score for exams, WORRY NOT !!

We at Sri Sarjana Online Tuition Centre can help you! We have experienced teachers with good teaching methods that can make your children score better at their academics!

Our online classes are just as great as our physical ones. Learn more at our website or whatsapp to get more details!

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