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Cramming is not an effective way to study. Many students procrastinate until the last minute to study, believing that reviewing right before the exam will help them retain knowledge. The last minute cramming actually causes more stress and anxiety, which can lead to low test results. Studying three times a week for one hour will help you more than studying once a week for three hours.

1. Create color-coded flashcards.

Start studying by creating flashcards for your class. Get colored note cards so you can easily separate different periods by color . If you don’t have colored note cards, trace around the edges with a marker or pen. Keep each set of colored cards together by punching holes in the cards and using a binder ring, or with a rubber band.

2. Take notes in chronological order.

This is a simple concept. The best way to remember the facts of an event is to remember them in order.

If you are using the note card system, number your cards in one corner and keep the cards in that order. That way you can review the events in the right order, which will make them easier to remember.

3. Just the facts.

When taking notes, only write down the most important information. Your notes shouldn’t be a rewrite of the entire chapter. You only want the highlights.

Make sure you write down the following:

— Name of the event — Location — Date(s) — Important people — Turning points — Any significant details

If you need help with your studies, don’t worry, Sri Sarjana can make your worries away! Our online classes are just as great as our physical ones. Learn more at or whatsapp to get more details!

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