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Crossword Puzzle - Why you should play them !

You might think of a crossword puzzle as a fun way to pass the time on a lazy Sunday. They’re inexpensive (or even free with your newspaper), require only a pen and your brain, and can be played wherever you happen to be.

So play away! And if anyone tells you not to spend so much time playing games, let them know about the benefits of crossword puzzles.

Source: Getty Images

1. They can strengthen social bonds.

Completing a crossword puzzle on your own is impressive, but you should never feel bad if you need to ask for help. In fact, collaborating on a crossword puzzle is a great way to strengthen your relationships and make new friends. Plus, because crossword puzzles call on a wide variety of knowledge, people of many different ages and backgrounds can help with them. So the next time you’re struggling with a clue, don’t be afraid to ask the person next to you for help.

2. They improve your vocabulary.

Crossword puzzle clues and answers often include uncommon words to make the puzzle more difficult. If you aren’t familiar with a word, look it up using the internet or a dictionary. Over time, you’ll develop an arsenal of interesting new words.

3. They increase your knowledge base.

You won’t just learn new words when you complete crossword puzzles regularly; you’ll also learn new things in general, especially if you work with other people to solve difficult puzzles. Most crossword puzzles contain a wide variety of trivia. You could learn new things about history, entertainment, science, technology, politics, and much more.

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