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7 Simple Ways to Learn English Effectively

1. Study phrases not words

When you study English, or any language for that matter, you shouldn’t learn individual words because memorising them makes no sense without context. Instead, you should study whole phrases. Memorising the meaning of words is much easier if you know what they mean and how they are used in a sentence.

2. Learn by listening

While reading textbooks can help you learn the English language, you mustn’t rely solely on them. Textbooks are great for teaching you about grammar and vocabulary, but they may not be too much of a help when it comes to carrying out a conversation. If you want to learn how to speak English, learn by listening and not by reading. By listening more, you’ll be able to learn useful vocabulary and grammar without even realising or memorising them.

3. Prioritise quality over quantity

When it comes to learning any language, it’s all about quality over quantity. Instead of learning dozens of new words in a short time, you should focus on learning one word and repeating it dozens of time. This prevents you from suffering from information overload. In addition, this strategy allows you to place the meaning of words and phrases deeper into your brain. As a result, you won’t forget them easily.

4. Learn grammar with “point of view” stories

One of the best ways to learn grammar is to listen to short stories told in various tenses. This will help you improve your English grammar automatically and more naturally. For example, if a story starts with “I don’t like banana but I want to eat one,” the other story should be “I didn’t like bananas but I wanted to eat one.”

5. Take an online lesson

Sri Sarjana has English online tuition where you can definitely improve and score better in your English papers. Do not hestitate to contact us ! Our online classes are just as great as our physical ones. Learn more at or whatsapp to get more details!

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